
Saturday, September 24, 2011

Day 5 ~ My hero


I began my first letter to you on Day 2 of my challenge. That was Sunday. It quickly became evident that it was not possible for a letter to my hero to be just one letter. There are three letters required here. As I tried to write this letter, I received many updates about your health and became distracted to the point where I was unable to continue writing it. I wrote a letter that day which I am sure did not get the attention it deserved. I am fine with that. I was too busy talking to God about you to fully focus on a letter to my dreams. But now here we are. Day five is to my hero and that is most definitely you, lil man!

I am amazed by you on a daily basis. You have strength that someone like me could only hope that I would possess in the same situation. I have followed along as you have beaten the odds time and time again. The amount of people who have been reached and who's lives have been changed because of your story and your example of courage and strength is an accomplishment that most people go through their entire lives without accomplishing. You have brought people to a closer connection with each other and surely brought people to a closer connection with God. You show us all what courage and strength look like on a daily basis. You teach us the value of the little things that we so frequently take for granted. You teach us how to love and fight and most of all how to live.

I cannot begin to tell you how much you are a part of me. I go to sleep thinking about you and I wake up thinking about you. I adore you with every fiber of my being! Thank you for teaching me what the will to live really looks like! You are more of a hero than any of us has ever seen in any movie or book. You are more of a fighter than any of us has ever seen step into a ring. You are more of a gift than any of us could ever have received under any tree or for any birthday. Stay strong, Mr. C! I love you!!

Mark Jr., 
How could I possibly write a letter to my hero without including one to you as well? I want to tell you how proud I am of you. I know that it must be hard to focus on things like school and sports this past year but from the things I have seen, you do it well. I also have seen that you help to take care of  Christian every day. He is very lucky to have you as his big brother. Your support and courage serve as an example for him on how to be strong. Keep up the good work :) 

Joannie and Mark, 
Wow! Where do I begin? The two of you have raised these boys that teach all of us adults things that we thought we knew all about. I have learned more from your family about love, strength, courage and faith in the last few months than I had in 32 years. I cannot begin to imagine being in your position. I think you and I both know as well as I do that God gave you the unique job of being parents to a hero because He knew that you had what it took to prepare him for this role. Every single ounce of courage and strength he possesses was instilled in him long before last year. He is strong enough to fight as he does because of the support that he has in the both of you and his brother! Thank you for keeping all of us updated. I know that must be hard sometimes as well. I am sure I speak for all of the Crusaders when I say that if you ever need anything at all, just ask! 

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